Page name: Christina 365 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-08-18 20:02:06
Last author: Artemis Rising
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Christina 365

Challenged by the lovely, virtuous, and worthy competitive creator, [Nioniel], this is a challenge I am partaking in. For the next 365 days, I shall upload a picture per day. Since my photography is currently limited, it will consist of photos from my iPhone, unless otherwise stated (which should up the creative challenge ante, just a tad). This starts today (6/19), as there are no limitations to good iPhone photographs. Let the challenge begin!

(As I was fortunate to gain this template from [Nioniel], I will copy her instructions, as listed here: )

“Additionally, for every month that passes, a wiki shall be made to hold the photos from each month. That way, this page remains uncluttered. To view the photos for other months, simply click the wiki link under 'Completed Months'”

Are my pictures speaking to you? Then Nominate A Picture!

Want to join the challenge? Take a gander at Photography 365 for details.

Completed Months:

June 2010
July 2010

55. August 1, 2010:
56. August 2, 2010:
57. August 3, 2010:
58. August 4, 2010:

59. August 5, 2010:
60. August 6, 2010:
61. August 7, 2010:
62. August 8, 2010:

63. August 9, 2010:
"Ashes Ashes"
64. August 10, 2010:
"Succulent Mistress"
 65. August 11, 2010:
"A Snake Tried to Get In Today"
 66. August 12, 2010:
"Perfect Peacock"

67. August 13, 2010:
"Friday the 13th"
68. August 14, 2010:
"Midnight Blooming"
 69. August 15, 2010:
"Silhouette of Sirius"
 70. August 16, 2010:
"Nothing Lasts Forever"

71. August 17, 2010:
"Royal Anagram"
72. August 18, 2010:
"Internal War"
 73. August 19, 2010:
 74. August 20, 2010:

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Photography 365

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2010-06-20 [Nioniel]: Lovely! Exception piece! I didn't know camera phones could take such detailed photos!

2010-06-20 [Artemis Rising]: thank you :) my iPhone surprises me regularly, but i had a friend say to me once that if i didn't have the knowledge of a pro photographer my iPhone wouldn't do jack squat haha....

2010-06-20 [Nioniel]: :)
um, isn't today the 19th?

2010-06-20 [Artemis Rising]: HAHAHAHA why yes it is... shows you the condition of my mind, doesn't it :P

2010-06-20 [Nioniel]: Yuppers!

2010-06-21 [Nioniel]: I like your progress!

2010-06-21 [sequeena_rae]: Very nice :D

2010-06-29 [Nioniel]: :)

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